Sep 24, 2013

Processing Google Summer of Code

2013 marks The Processing Foundation’s third year participating in Google Summer of Code. Following is a summary of the four projects, in alphabetical order by project name, completed this summer by a terrific group of students.

1) GUI Library for Processing by Martin Leopold is a prototype for a new graphical user interface library for Processing.

2) PDE X by Manindra Moharana is a Processing mode that augments the development environment with new features such as code completion, refactoring, real-time error checking, and debugging. This is a continuation of Manindra’s 2012 GSOC work and shows some future possibilities for the PDE.

3) Serial Library for Processing by Gottfried Haider replaces Processing’s existing RXTX-based serial library with one built on top of Java Simple Serial Connector. The core API remains the same, but this under the hood work allows Processing to better support all platforms.

4) Tweak Mode by Gal Sasson is a Processing mode that allows “tweaking” of hard-coded numbers in a sketch’s code through a user interface. The user can tweak the values while the sketch is running and the sketch window updates in real-time.